Our Patients

These are some of our patients and their amazing journeys through the rehabilitation process. We are proud to share how they have excelled and achieved their personal goals and accomplishments.

Nick is one in a million. He lost both his legs above the knee from a car accident, but has not let that slow him down. He works full time to support his family and loves to deep sea fish. He is wearing two microprocessor knees to help him walk without any cane or walker.
Laderrica is wearing a custom “PLS” style AFO. This brace fits inside her shoe and helps control her drop foot and ankle instability. She has found more independence and confidence wearing this new brace, and just in time for college.

Barrett is wearing one of our cranial remolding helmets to treat plagiocephaly. These helmets help to reshape infants’ heads to a symmetrical shape. Like most of our patients with this diagnosis, Barrett wore his helmet for several months before “graduating”.
Anna is wearing her favorite leg – her running leg! We started with Anna when she was only 18 months old and now she is able to outrun her sister. She loves to jump and play and her new running leg helps her to do all that and more.
Chris is one of our quadruple amputees, missing both his arms below the elbow, one leg below the knee and another above the knee. Throughout his struggles, he has never given up and has always been “Grubisa Strong!”

Leslie is a huge adventurer and has not let her below the knee amputation slow her down. She runs, hikes, and even scuba dives. She often stops by between her international travels to visit us.
Aubreigh has been with us since she was a baby. She wears a right below the knee prosthesis and a left SMO (supramalleolar orthosis) for ankle support. She is sweet as the day is long and we love helping her grow and do anything and everything a kid should.
Jovaun is wearing a myoelectric hand called the Taska. It has 23 different user modes that have allowed him to return to work and increase his daily function.
Pearl is sporting her new butterfly AFOs (ankle foot orthosis) made in her favorite color – pink! She loves recess and playing outside. Her AFOs help her keep up with her friends and continue growing into an independent young lady.
Don Vickery was a legend – one of the only bilateral amputees competing in the Professional Golfers Association (PGA). Missing one leg below the knee and the other above the knee, he had never golfed before meeting his prosthetist Roy Ray Rice Jr. Don was an inspiration to us and other amputees that nothing is impossible.

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